
Beekome for candidates

Over 80% of your candidates actively seek information about your company before applying. Beekome, create an authentic, simple, effective, mobile experience and turn your visits into committed and engaging applications.

User-Friendly Navigation

Easy navigation ensures candidates can quickly find relevant information and job opportunities. Create an intuitve navigation using intuitive menus, clear call-to-action buttons, special experience based on profile...

Job Descriptions

Candidates seek comprehensive information about job roles presented nicely. Clear job titles, detailed responsibilities, qualifications, information about the company culture all displayed nicely.

Job Alert

If a candidates wants to join your company but hasn't find the perfect job, they need to ba able to set up a job alert.


Candidate n°1 criteria is often location, a map allows them to easily find jobs around them.

Visual Appeal

A visually appealing website creates a positive impression, use engaging visuals, a clean layout, and a design that reflects the company's brand.

Company Culture Showcase

Candidates want to align with the organization's values and work culture. Use employee testimonials, company mission, vision, and values, and photos or videos of the workplace...

Benefits and Perks Information

Candidates consider the overall compensation package (salary, benefits, healthcare, work-life balance, and any unique perks offered).

Career Growth Opportunities

They organizations that invest in their professional development (training programs, career paths, and opportunities for advancement...).

Diversity and Inclusion Information

Candidates often seek diverse and inclusive workplaces, share you commitments and initiatives.

For whom?

Beekome is designed to help all profiles to get started quickly and effortlessly.